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3D Lipo.

A Complete Approach to Targeted Fat Reduction and Body Contouring.

logo3D-lipo is one of the most advanced treatments of its type in the fight against targeted fat reduction, cellulite and skin tightening. Its 3 dimensional approach to the problem ensures that you will experience one of the most effective services of its kind available today.
The 3D-Lipo gives several options and combinations to target and successfully treat stubborn fat areas and cellulite. 3D-Lipo offers precise and immediate long-term results painlessly and safely.

The results are so good that 3D-Lipo was a finalist in the Aesthetic Awards 2012 and 2013.

3D-Lipo-machineWhy 3D-lipo?

Many less sophisticated Lipo devices on the market use diode laser as the medium to remove fat. Although this has been proven to stimulate the fat cell to release fat it is dependent on significant immediate exercise on behalf of the client to metabolise the released fat in order to achieve results.

3D-lipo utilizes the latest generation technology called Ultrasound Cavitation and Cryolipolysis (fat freezing) which are widely recognised as one of the most effective cellulite reduction and localised fat loss techniques available.

Furthermore there is no need to exercise post treatment in order to obtain results.

Ultrasound Cavitation

Cavitation is body sculpting with no anaesthesia, no scars, no discomfort, no downtime and presents a risk free alternative to liposuction. Cavitation is a natural phenomenon based on low frequency ultrasound. The Ultrasound produces a strong wave of pressure to fat cell membranes. A fat cell membrane cannot withstand this pressure and therefore disintegrates into a liquid state. The result is natural fat loss.

Cryolipolysis (Fat Freezing)

Cryolipolysis selectively targets the water content of the fat cell. A temperature of -6 degrees is applied to the area of concern and maintained for a pre-determined time period to damage the fat cells. The damaged fat cells begin a natural removal process that continues for up to 3months.


What happens to the released fat?

After disruption of adipose cellular membrane the fat in the form of triglycerides is released into the interstitial space between the cells, where they are enzymatically metabolised to glycerol and free fatty acids. Water soluble glycerol is absorbed by the circulatory system and used as the energy source whereas the insoluble free fatty acids are transported to the liver and processed as fatty acids from food.

Which fat removal treatment is for me?
Cavitation and Cryolipolysis for fat blasting inch loss, Radio Frequency for skin tightening and 3D Dermology for cellulite removal. Your individual goals and size determines which technology described above would be used. In most cases, both Cryolipolysis and Cavitation will be used in combination over a course of treatment in order to maximize the results achieved.

Radio Frequency Skin Tightening

For many clients fat reduction is only part of their concern. There is also the desire to improve the

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 appearance of cellulite and tighten the skin in specific areas of the body.

3D-lipo’s 3 dimensional approach to the problem ensures that not only will you experience fat reduction and cellulite improvement from Cavitation but with the addition of Radio Frequency we are also able to add targeted skin tightening.

How does Radio Frequency work?

As our skin matures and is continuously subjected to environmental effects, its connective tissue begins to break down, causing wrinkles and other signs of aging to develop.

The Focus Fractional RF energy penetrates the skin layers to selectively heat the skin tissue and the extra cellular matrix where the collagen fibres are embedded. The local heating causes an immediate contraction of collagen fibres, and at the same time increases the metabolism of the fibroblasts thereby accelerating the production of new collagen and elastin fibres.

The concentration of collagen fibres and the regeneration of the collagen and elastin deposits, tighten the skin layers creating a smoother, healthier and younger looking skin.


Vacuum suction and rollers are used to drain the depleted fat cells through the lymphatic system. This is good for cellulite reduction.

3D-lipo is a revolution in localised fat reduction, treatment of cellulite and skin tightening without the requirement to exercise.

Please ask one of our trained members of staff for further details and start to make a difference today.